Mark Zuckerberg in DC today to discuss 'future internet regulation'


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  • Mark Richard

    Of course he is. Federal regulations work to benefit the 'ins', who are established and can meet the costs associated with regulation. That's one reason so many big companies declare themselves to be in favor so some sort of regulation. It's a game. Regulatory officials write the regs, with input from industry representatives who actually know how the industry works. Then the officials go into business as private attorneys and collect fat fees for interpreting those regulations. What is framed for the suckers as 'public interest' is really an 'I've got mine, now let's change the rules to make it harder for upstarts to do what I did'. The big companies are protected a little more from competition, and the DC-Metro area continues to be the biggest pile of money in the history of the world. BS reigns.

  • Darcie_t

    Democrats have already made their deal.

  • justanewsreader

    In other words, the Suck Zuck is in D.C. to promise campaign contributions to Republicans if'n they do not try to regulate that abomination Facebook. He will tell Tramp the same thing, and Tramp will suck it up and the Zuck will be a continuing disease on the World.

  • Radical Intelligence

    He is grabbing as much control & power as he can, and his employees are targeting non-extremists, while letting white extremists rule that platform! Makes me sick, and I see what's going on. Do you? Google & Youtube are being sued, and as much as the truth is spoken about, his money will convince Washington not to do a damn thing about that monopoly and its bully employees! He's probably paying all of them to keep their traps shut.

  • P'Thizikil

    The monster he created outpaced his ability to control or understand it even before he moved out of his dorm room. There are surely many in the company who understand it far better than he does and should be running the company if it be allowed to exist.

  • BluntNotPC

    Why are these meetings behind closed doors? What "deals" are being made? FB, and others, would LOVE to be regulated... with them writing those regulations so they can say it's a regulation and the followed the letter of the law. Sure makes it easier to defend their actions, or lack of actions, in a court of law.