Trump administration stops sending kids to controversial Homestead migrant facility


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  • John Springer

    According to statistics compiled by the United States Border Patrol, there were 298 border deaths in 2017 and 283 in 2018, making it an average of 291 per year. The average yearly deaths under President Obama stood at 372 and 382 under the Bush administration.

  • jimnorwa

    How many of those innocent teens are ultra violent gang members, I wonder. There's probably a very good reason they're treated like prisoners. I think then a hurricane plan is the least of everyone's worries.

  • disqus_8R28ZmEsno

    Sen. Bernie Sanders called the facilities "racist child prisons" and pinned the blame on the Trump administration -- although the practice of holding kids in such facilities was also employed under President Barack Obama.

    it doesn't always happen, but it's nice when the media acknowledges the hypocrisy and partisanship of politicians

  • Dave

    Guantanamo for Kids. That's all this is.

  • Vickie

    The Holocaust is real and demands a historical mention in textbook & community. Now we have a present case of dictatorship: racist, sexual predator, Russian friend, children dying in camps, no bed to lie on, sickness & disease. History will capture this plethora of sorrow also. Jim Crow is in the White House.

  • Bob Marshall IX

    Okay. Facilities bad. Close them down. Then what do we do with the kids? Let them loose on the streets for the sex traffickers to pick up? I guess Epstein's place is empty at the moment.

  • Squeakins85

    Instead he's sending them to roy moore.....

  • FasterBadger

    "Sen. Bernie Sanders called the facilities 'racist child prisons'
    and pinned the blame on the Trump administration -- although the
    practice of holding kids in such facilities was also employed under
    President Barack Obama."

    Uh, oh! Redact! REDACT!

  • ogrot

    Since Bernie Sanders referred to this place as a racist prison indicating that he is unhappy with how donald is running the country, we can expect any day now Donald will tweet a demand that Bernie Sanders go back to whatever crime infested hole of a country his family originated, yes?

  • Colinalcarz

    I hadn’t realized similar facilities were used under the Obama administration. Either treatment then was satisfactory or it was just as badbutneither Republicans nor Democrats objected to it at the time.

  • fmd160

    They only stopped because they got caught, not having any plans for the safety of the "inmates" in a possible natural disaster. Otherwise, they would still be sending more into an already crowded poorly run system.

  • ogrot

    Dear ABC editors. Lightning is the static electricity that comes from the sky. Lightening is a medical term that involves a woman's uterus and pregnancy. To my knowlege there is no medical device called a lightening rod, but there is an archtectural feature known as a lightning rod. It is often used as a cliche to describe things that attract storms of controversy.