At least 7 dead as severe weather hits the Plains; storms next headed to East Coast


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  • wd65

    Don't worry, it's not global warming which Republicans say is a hoax and fake news....
    Oh sorry, it is global warming. The Republicans only say what the Koch brothers and other big donors pay them to say. And besides, preventing global warming would lower profits for big businesses in red states.

  • Badger Land

    While the loss of life is a sad thing, seems they're getting God's response to their using His name and passing their antiabortion laws....

  • BioMeister

    Excellent news! These "poor souls" are the morons who send climate-science-denying Senators and Representatives to Congress and help vote in a total idiot President who calls global warming a Chinese hoax. If every last one of them dies miserably in the wind and rain, that would be justice, and the clapping you hear will be me cheering on the storms..

  • Zelda Gannon

    Trump just tweeted
    "Lotta wind folks. Lotta wind. Going round and round, sucking everything
    up. Tremendous wind. Funnel cloud. Sad!"

  • Lavendar62

    What a lot of people do not realize is how quick the climate can change. In the spring of 1815 the volcano Tambora erupted, it threw into the air, million of tons of dust and sulfur -dioxide gas that covered the earth atmosphere in the matter of weeks. What many do not realize is that summer, fall and winter showed elevated temperatures as those particles trapped the earth heat. However, once the heat did escape, those particles reduced the sun's energy from fully warming the earth and we ended up with a year without summer where many died of starvation and from natural disasters. Data is also showing that the start of an ice age begins suddenly. If one looks at the land that was continuously under snow and ice, you will find that land is our current grain belt in the USA, Europe, and Asia including Russia and China. If that happens again, billions of people will die from starvation.

  • TrueBlue

    The Republican party is the only major political party left in the world that still denies that anthropogenic global warming is real. They are a clear and present danger to all life on Earth. Punish them accordingly in 2020 and beyond.

  • RubberBanned

    "The biggest threat will be damaging winds, but we can’t rule out a few tornadoes!."

    I don't think I've ever seen a news report end a statement with an exclamation mark (and a period) before.

    Anyway, 56 tornadoes in two days? That seems unusual.

  • Commenter

    Of course there is never any attribution to the pollution crisis causing these horrendous super-storms. ABC must ignore the well-known cause of this catastrophic weather for its pollution industry sponsors. "Just more typical Spring storms. Ho-hum."

  • babs1960

    Stay safe.
    We could use a little rain in the Houston area. No flooding please.

  • Dukedaddy

    Trump cut funding for FEMA. So what does that mean? He will take funds away from the Blue States and give it to the Red States!

    Worst President Ever!!

  • foldincaulfield

    What's with this ongoing crazy weather? Must be God punishing us for the president, or maybe punishing us because Pat Robertson is still alive.