West Virginia's attorney general alleges Catholic Church allowed abusive priests to teach in schools


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  • JuPMod

    This is why I will never trust the RCC again after I left it more than 25 years ago. I can't trust them as they continue to support child molesters.

  • Kalinysta

    Testing testing 1234

  • Chipnputt

    Why aren't they held accountable before they are placed in schools if they have known histories of sexual abuse? And they should be charged with an enhanced crime since they are in a position of power and trust. How anyone could trust a priest this day and age is beyond me.

  • foldincaulfield

    Church Über Alles

  • WorkingClass

    RICO! RICO! RICO! The Catholic Church should be banned from the United States. This isn't about religious freedom, this is about an organization that has blatantly flaunted the laws of this country for decades upon decades. It should be removed like the cancer it is from the body of this country.

  • Truth-B-Me

    This is common practice everywhere. A teacher priest molests a child at one school, there's a complaint and he is simply transferred to another school to do the same thing. This has been going on for ages! Is it any wonder the number of Catholics world wide has been dropping?

  • wdj

    "Condron admitted the allegations, received treatment, was allowed back into active ministry and later allowed to work at Wheeling Catholic Elementary School, according to the court documents"
    If you touch kids then you should NEVER be allowed around them again, I don't care if they get treatment.

  • Cammosutra

    As a South Park Catholic priest character said to another in one episode . . ."How the Hell else are we supposed to get laid?"

    Sarcasm aside, I have a really difficult time viewing the Catholic Church as having ANY legitimate authority because of how they have covered this up and protected these perverts for decades. People have been excommunicated from the church for less.

  • Naomi

    No other business could survive such a scandal unless it too for centuries threatened everyone it could with pain and suffering unless they complied.

  • FasterBadger

    Good teachers are hard to find, BUT hard teachers aren't good to find.

  • Tom

    The catholic church has a long history of actively supporting and protecting child rapists.

    Until they admit that, and start owning it and fighting it with everything they have, it will always be true.

  • notorious

    Bunch of old men in their conehead hats thinking they have authority over other humans.


    The Catholic Church is a predatory organization. They create the poor and then collect money to help the poor they created while skimming millions off the top.

  • Davis

    More completely predictable revelations about the Catholic Church. Between this and Trump it’s like a bad soap opera. You can see it coming every time but...the loyal fans/faithful, remain.

  • jeanonthehill

    I think this happened in every state, tbt. I went through 12 years of Catholic schools in the Midwest, and have personal knowledge/experience with one priest in particular trying to get me to drink with him in his private residence on the schools site. My mom spoke with the school about it (many years ago) and he was "let go." Not sure where he ended up.

  • notorious

    Predators are not easily convinced to give up their prey. Any man who has need to have sex with a child is not fit to walk among the public.

  • sg

    The church is obsolete.


    I don't know how the Bible explains it, but maybe they should just let these guys be with women.


    It's a cover up and dark secret that has been going on for centuries. It's not going to go away easily.