Mike Pompeo returns to Middle East to urge action against Iran with 3 different partners


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  • goatboy

    Trump drew down forces and ramped up pressure on Iran because he will start a major war with this country when the election rolls around. His announcement of a full scale war, will in his mind, give him a reason to cancel the election, thus, allowing himself to stay on as the Dictator and avoiding prison.

  • Tom Adams

    I totally back Iran and all other countries opposed to the US!

  • PostinFacts

    Great!! Just what we need...another NEVER ENDING WAR!!

  • Nearl56 13

    Seems that Pompeo is on another Middle Eastern Buffet tour. He certainly isn’t doing any real work, but he is eating well...

    ... on our dime.

    O well, anything to help Bibi win re-election, rightTrump?

  • Prophet With Honor

    We need to be trying to establish a dialogue with Iran as well. If we can talk to NK, why not Iran? The further we isolate them and try to form alliances against them the less likely that the problem will ever decrease.

  • Thomas

    Wow, we are really scraping the bottom of the barrel to find "allies" to join us in our anti-Iranian efforts.

  • cephalo

    In light of everything we have seen in the middle east, I can no longer understand the GOP's obsession with Iran. It is explained very badly. I feel that Iran is being used as a scapegoat for domestic political reasons the same way America is used in Iran.

  • Eteamer

    Iran is not our enemy. They have done nothing to us.

  • Linzie Rogers

    I'm curious. What has Iran ever done to us that causes our government to behave towards it as it does? Does the American public know what we did to Iran in 1953? Even if this was ever settled I don't believe it will ever want diplomatic relations with us again. Just a thought.

  • Erwin Schrodinger

    Imagine these yahoos being confronted with a real crisis. They have tried to create a few... with the NK summits and the backing out of the Iran nuclear deal. THey are good at making messes, but make zero progress against those messes they have made.

    At least they get lots of free travel and Jared gets the opportunity to hit up the Sauds for more loans to the Kushner Co.


    Here we go again with the Iran boogeyman nonsense, while the greatest threat to world instability, Russia, is supported by Trump.

  • foldincaulfield

    An interesting coincidence, as I've been urging action against Trump with millions of different voters.

  • Mark Couture

    When you go to the Middle East to discuss peace and you only talk to one side of the equation what do you expect the outcome to be? To many in that part of the world we are the terrorist and the one way to change that view of us is to have an open discussion with both sides. And keep Kushner out of the equation this is not a business meeting