House Democrats launch investigation into White House security clearances


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  • Leftyfluff

    First time at ABC News comments. Wow. What a bunch of loopy left wing losers over here. Duh . . . Trump? Yeah . . . duh Trump! Dum, dum Trump? Dum, dum, dum dum, Trump! Time for some brain surgery here at ABC.

  • thebobbob

    "disregarded established procedures for safeguarding classified
    information, evaluate the extent to which the nation's most highly
    guarded secrets were provided to officials who should not have had
    access to them."

    Dictators don't need rules, regulations or laws. They are the ONLY one who decides everything.
    Lock him up!

  • Valerie Lawson-Beiser

    You call them amateur but isn't that what it's suppose to be? Not like the lifers/politicians like the dems but regular people that take 4 years out of their lives to help their fellow Americans. Read the CONSTITUTION. It was never and I mean NEVER meant to be a life long job.

  • Valerie Lawson-Beiser

    First and foremost any reps from the obama era should be investigated and their clearances be removed then by all means move on down the list.

  • willwatch

    Democrats - before you move to any other issue - please settle the wall and getting federal employees back to work. This is the first priority. 800,000 people trying to do right, many at work and do not know the status of their pay check. You know the status of your check and we hired you to work - get at this issue full time.

  • Don'tBotherMe

    Trump gave Ivanka full Top Security clearance. Why does she still have it after her breech of security with emails two months ago? Was that just swept under the rug?

  • P'Thizikil

    Trump's security clearance must have been automatic because he could never have passed an evaluation.

  • IT-Worker-Since-1990

    Several of the people in the White House should have never been granted security clearances. I am sorry but if you get caught lying on your SF-86, you shouldn't have a clearance but Jared got one even after being caught lying on it 4 times!!!!! If it was you or me, we would be in jail if we did what he did.

  • Jon Kua'ana

    Time to pay the piper. The pendulum has swung. Republican hypocrisy will sprout like the fountains at Bellagio. LOL

  • NewsJunkie12

    Finally. Time to start peppering the White House with a barrage of subpoenas. Fire up the T shirt cannon and let her rip.

  • Bluejay

    Considering that after Trump took office, Jared was caught lying a number of times on his application for a security clearance, this make a great deal of sense.

    What Jared did should have sent him to jail, as lying on such an application is a crime.

  • Prophet With Honor

    Good. Be sure to check on Prince Pencilneck in particular.

  • Guest

    Hehe. "Mishandled secrets". And they have the nerve to talk about a couple of mislabeled emails...

  • JohnC

    "Of course we knew so and so was compromised or corrupt. That's WHY we hired him"

  • William Rose

    Kellyanne and Ivanka too.

  • arlecchino

    Orange titanic is getting closer and closer to the giant iceberg......

  • poultrygeist

    Bout Time!


    Trump has never had to follow rules in his life. That's about to change.

  • supersenior

    I don't think Trump could pass a security clearance. Ironic

  • Jeff Wainright

    Isn't it ironic (or something ... I'm still not sure if irony is the right word) that when Hillary had a private email server, the Republicans launched how many investigations into the potential mishandling of classified information ... and ultimately found nothing. Trump, however, allowed Kushner to read the Presidential Daily Briefings, which contain quite a bit of classified information, despite the fact that Kushner had (at best) an interim security clearance, and was considered easily manipulated by both friend and foe. Then there is Comrade Trumpovich's continued use of an unsecured cell phone ... and the Republicans who were once so hawkish and adamant that classified information be protected in the name of national security are oddly silent.

  • GW

    This what happens when you have an Amateur Administration

  • error_does not compute

    Hehe, Trump is getting it from all angles now

  • justanewsreader

    Oh yea, and now it begins. Security Clearances is a great place to start. All those Trumpers with no finalized security clearances and just having a good time meeting and talking with the Russians - whew - what a tornado of violations of national security laws that investigation should yield. Memo to U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia: add more staff attorneys now.

  • WhosVoice

    But But her emails!