Students from Covington Catholic High School, under fire over confrontation with Native American protesters, head back to class


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  • Bernwag

    So what I hear some here saying is that the boys were asking for it by what they wore. Where are all the crazy ass women of the annual Slut Walk? No support from them? Slut Walk is a national movement protesting the blame victims of violence face because of what they wear, who they associate with or who they are. They march in their bras screaming our bodies our choice. Guess boys don't have those same rights.

  • Bernwag

    I've worked with high school kids coaching, teaching, principal, for 22 years. These boys were as well behaved as it gets. They are kids who were being bullied and taunted by the group of black protesters just because they were wearing hats that support our Republican president. Then a group of native americans joined the party by trying to intimidate the boys. Forget chaperones, this should have been handled by police. Children being attacked and harassed by adults is a crime. What is most disappointing to me is that sitting through ABC World news last night (1/23/19) I heard nothing from ABC, not a single word of coverage to say ABC's earlier rush to judgement was being reconsidered. Shame ABC, Shame Shame Shame!

  • Thoughts n prayers

    They think they got away with it so i expect we'll be hearing more about this incubator of racism and hatred sooner rather than later.

  • Furrmin The Cat

    Does this school allow its teachers to carry guns?

  • P'Thizikil

    No matter where you stand, this whole fiasco shows a failure of critical thinking skills and jumping to conclusions. It's as if the jury made its decision after 1/10th of the evidence had been presented.

  • NotSureWhatSideI'mOn

    UPDATE: Sandmann is at least 1/1000th native american.

  • Krusty

    When the Hebrew Israelites started Trolling these kids, their adult chaperones should have provided better direction ... escalation by responding to the Trolling was not a wise idea, it never is ..there is NO resolution for such differing religious Worldviews .. they should have walked away, and let the HI have their right to free speech. Would be nice to see some of the chaperones bear some responsibility here instead of letting these young kids shoulder it, rather pathetic IMO.

  • KlintzDisqus

    Where is Mr. Phillips' condemnation of the ADULTS who started in with the kids?

    Where is Mr. Phillips' condemnation of the ADULTS who were berating the Native Americans he was standing with?