Striking LA teachers return to class as Denver teachers prepare to walk out


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  • pfon71361

    Good public school teachers everywhere are grossly underpaid for the work they do. From preschool to high school, teachers provide the educational foundation that allows children to become the productive, socially conscious adults we want them to be. Investing in teachers now ensures better futures for our children later.

  • notfooledagain

    As bad as the schools in LA are I dought the teacher were missed.

  • cowdogpete

    They want a raise....fine.
    But the contract is now for 250 days a year, same as most employees.

  • Its2005

    "They’re striking for better pay." Yes. No doubt. How about if you wanted more pay, DON'T SIGN the freaking contract every spring! How about if you want a better paying job, you should have majored in something else in college? You knew what teaching paid when you were in college. They told you just like they told me.

    "They’re striking for our profession." Yes. No doubt. But in many states, strikes by public employees is illegal. Why? To avoid debacles just like this!! I taught public high school in such a state for 32 years.

    "And they’re striking for Denver students." Believed by no one. How does losing an indefinite # of days of instruction, staying at home w/o parental supervision, etc. help the students? We hear it at every teacher strike, "We're doing this for the kids." BS! In Virginia, public employees who strike are fired. Or arrested. That's where I worked. Now retired. I had a great job! Loved it!! I knew what I was getting into, I signed 32 contracts, retired when I decided to.