$1.5 billion Mega Millions jackpot still unclaimed


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  • DeleeJane

    Sort of looks like a madman to me, with all that facial hair. But whatever. I guess he’s happy.

  • Quantez Williams

    I have the winning ticket; however, I'm just waiting until my divorce is finalized before claiming it.

  • DanielJ

    "...advised the winner to sign the back of the lottery ticket..." NO. As soon as you sign it, you are on the hook for a lot of taxes. Financial advisers will tell you the best thing to do is set up a trust, appoint your lawyer to the trust, and have him/her turn in the ticket in the trust's name. Tax advantage, and it keeps your name private.

  • davidhoffman5

    Approximately $900,000,000. FDIC account limit of $100,000. So approximately 18,000 bank accounts have to be established. What do you do with 18,000 toasters, umbrellas, or coffee pots? You know the thank you "reward" for opening a new accounts. I think I would just get 18,000 full automatic open and close umbrellas to pass out.

  • Crag

    What happens to the money if unclaimed?

  • Spacetrucker

    Do vendors get a % of winning prize?

  • lou g

    Why is the media so concerned about the winner? It's none of their business when the winner comes forward.

  • Juggles

    I have to say if it were me I would be contacting a lawyer, an accountant and laying low until I had all my ducks in a row and was ready to open the flood gates.... As soon as they collect they will be hounded by charities, scammers, relatives they never knew they had... An overwhelming thing to have happen.... joyous.... but overwhelming.

  • Gargo-Rican

    I'll Rock/Paper/Scissors anyone!

  • Scott Gore

    Winner could've had a heart attack when he found out he had the numbers right.

  • BassPlyr73 Again

    I'll get around to it eventually...