Florence flooding threat still real: 'Do not try to return home yet,' North Carolina governor pleads


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  • The Terminator

    "Gov. Roy Cooper said at a news conference. "But please, for your safety ... do not try to return home yet.""

    You know some will try to return and clog up the rescue efforts.


  • badhairpiece

    Hog and chicken farms and coal ash pits under water will make for an environmental nightmare.

  • Office Goddess

    What concerns me is how many bodies will be found once the waters recede. There were a number of homeless that had no way to evacuate.

  • NuuJuce

    Has Trump complained about the death toll numbers yet?

  • Prophet With Honor

    There are opportunities for some learning experiences here. A major one is to identify ways to improve drainage courses to alleviate the flooding more quickly.

  • Jerapa Sullivan

    Hopefully everyone is taken care of by the rescuers to their best potential. Sending my prayers to all of everyone that's affected by Florence.

  • pprty

    Where is this fabulous FEMA to distribute ice & food, etc.?

  • JG

    8 trillion gallons of water mixed with how many tons of swine excrement and coal ash? Willful ignorance regarding climate change and mind numbing environmental policies coming home to roost.

    Such is the result of abject, self imposed ignorance. I have little sympathy.

  • BurmeseDude

    Last time I was there, there was probably 8 gallons of water. Democrats are making up 8 trillion gallon to make me look bad. These #s grew by magic. I don't believe it. Fake news. Media is the enemy of the people. If anything, this proves I didn't collude with Russia.

    -- Trump /S