Half as many people tried heroin for the first time in 2017 as in 2016: Survey


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  • Publius2k

    When other opioids are legally prescribed and far more easily obtained and crack and meth can be manufactured domestically, why bother with old-school heroin? Any news about the sales and consumption of absinthe recently?

  • WorkingClass

    “It tells us that we are getting the word out to the American people of the risks of heroin,” -- Actually, considering the survey is done as "self-interviewing" (according to the link), and heroin is such a hot topic, I'd expect a lot more people are lying about it than not doing it.

  • Matthew Meyer

    if first time heroin users dropped it was because they can now get it in a more powerful pill or powder form. I'm not a trump guy but this is fake news.

  • poultrygeist

    How many people take their first drink every year, be sure to warn pregnant mothers and children.

  • Prophet With Honor

    How can that survey be accurate?
    " I committed my first drug felony last year."

  • 40acre

    Don't tell Trump....He'll cut funding for it.