Woman stung 200 times after being swarmed by thousands of killer bees expected to survive


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  • relentlesslycaring

    I've been stung twice in the last month and I just sprayed the stung area with an anti itch product. What's the answer when one is stung by any bees?
    Do I carry an anti- allergy antihistamine pill in my car? Would this even work?
    I can't afford an Epi pen and that's goes to another level anyway.
    Removing a stinger with credit card sounds involved too. Is it easy?
    I've read about baking soda or vinegar-- yet don't know how to apply these.
    Any comments?

  • Thomas

    What a nightmare.

    A few years ago, I was attacked by bees while I was out doing some photography. I ran to my car and drove away and some of those bees followed me for a while. Yikes!!

  • cowdogpete

    Went through that myself, though not quite as bad. Estimated 80 to 100 stings. Wasnt a fun experience. Usually takes 10 stings per pound of body weight to be lethal. (barring an allergic reaction) so this woman was in no real danger.