'We should be held accountable': Mayor says after Muslim children told to leave pool


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  • B-K KnightRider

    Hmmm, wrong one.

  • Lawrence Wilson

    That pool & it's rules were developed long before any Muslims wanted to come there & the rules had nothing to do with Muslims. You don't like the rules, go somewhere else. Go swim in the river, better yet we have a very large public pool called the Atlantic, go swim with the big fishes & no one will care how you dress.

  • Thomas

    I don't understand what the safety concern would be for cotton.

  • Henderson Todd

    Would it be OK for Amish people to get in a public pool with all their black clothing and bonnets? Of course not, so why are you people such cheerleaders for people who choose not to assimilate when they come live in the U.S. (Muslim sympathizers i guess)?

  • norview

    Parents forcing any sort of "modesty" on preteen kids is pretty sick, imo.
    Those who barred the children should just be honest (as the "cotton" excuse is a pretty weak argument) and just admit that such religious requirements has no place at a pool much less any where else.

  • ArcF1

    Lighten up people. It's just words.

  • Rodney Bayburn

    it is ironic that ina country founded on religious tolerance that we have a whole group of people, including the president, who push for the opposite. These nasty people have been emboldened, and hate crimes and incidents like this are through the roof. Send them back to England and Germany and wherever they came from I say!🤠

  • Bill Exley

    To be fair, they should make the imfidel children, especially the girls, wear swim attire that does not offend the Muslims at the pool.

  • ronl2k

    "We were approached first about the cotton, and then it became, 'Oh, the pool is overcapacity so you need to leave.'"

    Don't know why the incident is being blamed on religious bigotry. Once I saw the pics of the victims I knew exactly why they were singled out.

  • Another Jake Yang

    Public pools are disgusting but why discrimination? I will never show up at public pool.

  • Dale Stein

    Thanks to video, we are seeing just how frequent this garbage is. Sad. But those people now have their shame for the world to see.

  • Roger Catmantoo

    Near my rural town in the South this happened. During the civil rights era black people wanted to swim in the white swimming pool. So the city government just had cement trucks fill both swimming pools with concrete. Since them we have NO local public swimming pools. I guess that is your next step if you can't scare the Muslim kids away.

  • snake

    Kudos to Mr. Purzycki for doing the right thing and apologizing for the mistake. Saying "We made a mistake and we're sorry ";goes a long way in any situation like this.

  • labman57

    Perhaps the pool management should have simply cut to the chase and posted a sign at the entrance:
    "Not Christian? Not welcome."

  • Thelightlady

    The way some of these young girls dress, it's nice to see some so modest that they have to be run out of a pool. LOL.

  • Truth-B-Me

    Is anyone surprised the mayor is a card carrying Republican and cult follower of the fake president!

  • Felix

    Im pretty sure this was about a safety issue and NOTHING at all about religion. Just a hyper sensitive nation were in.

  • ArghONaut

    Never a problem over 4 years until this summer. I wonder which POTUS has fanned the people who happily abuse blacks, Muslims, and anyone else suffering from 'otherness'? Oh, it must have been Obama? I see. Yet Amerikans still look likely to vote republican? Great state of the union? Its the 1950's again, the heyday of the WASP.

  • JuPMod

    Gee, this is crazy. If it was not an issue before in previous years, why bring this up now, especially if other children were also wearing cotton and they were not being call out? Let them wear what they want to wear.

  • Ralph the Bus Driver

    Cut off denim has a tendency to clog filters. Hemmed clothes don't.