US military in Mideast hindered by Saudis' rift with Qatar: Tillerson


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  • Clem

    Hey, all the Saudis want, is Syria, Yemen and Qatar...after that, they will be appeased and there will be peace.... unless Lebanon, Jordan or Iran start acting up...but short of that, Syria, Yemen and Qatar will be good for this summer.... We just sold Saudi Arabia a hundred billion in explosives, so, they expand the war... nobody could have seen THAT coming.... Why, I'm sure we were blindsided... heh

    You know what's REALLY surprising... We haven't been hearing about how the Yemen Shi'ites kill their own people with poison gas. Seriously...there are no accusations. We are actually fighting a country that does not kill its people with gas... a first time for everything....

  • Historybuff

    LOL !

    Well... Tillerson and trump... are on different talking pages... as usual.

    Pathetic... America is falling lower & lower, day by day.

  • DNCIgnorance10

    Tillerson would know. After all Saudi provides the terrorist and Qatar aids them. Now the US will have to AID them more than usual.

  • EDC

    "President Trump, speaking at the White House later in the day Friday, took a somewhat different tack."

    Our foreign policy is in the hands of two amateurs. Incompetent amateurs to boot. There's nothing like the two of them saying different things to spread confusion among world leaders.

    Confusion in the Trump administration. We better get used to it.

  • arriba65

    So we basically have an administration in which policy is set by Senior Staff not the President. Every time he shoots his mouth off (live or on twitter) they smile and say "What the President really meant is this and we are totally aligned to that." Basically they are letting him talk and ignoring him.

  • Rubbed Sage

    Foreign policy? What's a foreign policy?

    Is that like a party in the White House with the Russians?

  • whitepine

    No one is listening as the USA is no longer a valid leader with lying Trump as President

  • Rubbed Sage

    Yes, we want Qatar to deescalate the situation. That we just inflamed by arming the Saudis.

  • Samuel Ryan

    Keystone cops at it's finest.

  • tet1953

    But Trump took credit for it lol

  • Edup McD

    I googled Trump's speech "American cannot be the policeman of the world" to make certain I wasn't imagining he said those words ...

  • BobbyBarker

    Gee, Rex, maybe you should talk to your boss about that, since he's taking credit for the rift.

  • MarkM

    I read on another network that there is a belief that Russia is behind spreading this rumor about Qatar. If so, that would explain Trumpf's position being in line with Putin's.

  • 40acre

    I'm not sure I have ever seen a time when the Secretary of State and the President are fighting each other over foreign policy. But I'm only in my sixties, so......

  • Thelightlady

    Guess you better have a talk with your boss.

  • ruelph

    Tillerson needs to tell Trump who is completely clueless.

  • labman57

    Donnie sides with Saudi Arabia because he doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds him sweet real estate deals.

    Do Republicans still believe that his numerous conflicts of interest are irrelevant?

  • EDC

    “immediately take steps to de-escalate”

    Tillerson better learn Trumpese quickly because Trump is saying the exact opposite. Probably because the idiot doesn't know we have a large airbase in Qatar.

    He's putting our troops there in greater danger.

  • ruelph

    Trump and Tillerson better get on the same page. Qatar has a large U.S. airbase which is needed by the U.S. military.

  • reality25

    Trump the liar. If he's so concerned about Qatar funding and being a safe haven for terrorists and doing so at a "very high level" then why isn't Qatar on the travel ban list? This pathological liar isn't mentioning that he has business interests there. He even leased out space to Qatar Airways inside his Manhattan Trump tower from 2008- 2014.

    He's such a perpetual fraud. Now Saudi Arabia is simply whispering sweet nothings in his ears and he's dreaming of more golden trinkets.

  • RZC

    I think you better look @ Trump and say HEY BOSS nice mess you are embroiled in :JERK"

  • Tacoma Joe

    Who knew eliminating ISIS would be so hard?

  • Denese

    Why is the US in the Middle East? If Europe has to pay their own way without the US holding their hand, wouldn't the Middle East have to do the same?

  • TexasVulcan

    It would be nice if they could stop the whole Shia v Sunni thing. But somehow, I don't see that as a real possibility. No more than the Arabs in Hamas will ever accept Israel.

  • Prophet With Honor

    This administration needs to find SOMETHING where they are all on the same page .

  • Mr Happy

    Stop supporting nations that fund ISIS...Saudi Arabia comes to mind.