Facebook Ultimatum Prompts Users to Download Moments App

Facebook continues to pursue its war on privacy.
lol...your pics are being held hostage.
I would love to download those photos to a computer. Facebook says I have 5 of them, however, it won't let me see them to download them.
I'm really glad that I let Mark Zuckerpuppy and facebook rule my life.
Facebook App is long gone from my phone. You don't live your life on Facebook. Period.
Gee, why not just delete the Facebook app on my phone instead?
So glad I don't live and die to share my every step with the FB crowd. Maybe get a life folks. A real one, not a virtual one.
This will go the way of privacy invasion. This is being used in Russia for identifying people commiting crimes on public cams. When caught on camera they use facial recognition through the Russian version of facebook to identify them. You can imagine the abuse from law agency's and will probably see facebook knuckle under to law enforcement again. Ef you Facebook. Take messenger and this app and jam it!
Facebook may threaten us but there are solutions to save your photos - try Cloudsfer, they can easily and at very low costs save your photos by transferring them from FB to any Cloud.