Meet the 9-Year-Old Intrepid Crime Reporter Who Broke Alleged Murder Story


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  • Frank Hoffman

    From what I understand, the locals who know more about the "news" she's been reporting don't find this quite so cute. There's a lot more --- and a lot worse --- to this story than ABCNews is reporting. They might have dug a little deeper before running with this puff piece.

  • Geneva DeHerrera-Townsend

    You are awesome Hilde! Chase your dream and show the world that people need to stud-up!

  • GarfieldRocks

    In case anyone is interested, Hilde has an older sister, Izzy (a 5th grader), who runs the advise section. Hilde covers city council meetings, vandalism and someone who shot a rabid skunk. She reports on stories that are increasingly hard to find anywhere else. Are You Smarter Than a 3rd Grader???????

  • Ruttles Rohan

    A nine year old girl would have more sense and less bias than 99% of journalists that exist today......

  • Hap E Ness

    You go girl!
    1 question, can we subscribe to her paper? 😃

  • saltydog77

    When this little girl becomes an adult reporter covering yet another murder she will be able to ask the deceased's family and friends and neighbors how their murder makes them feel with a great amount of feeling. Teaching adult reporters how to be insensitive idiots when they are children makes it all OK.

  • Cally

    I hope that when I see her name on one of the big news stations in about 15 years I can remember her name and why it sounds familiar. This girl is going places! Kudos to her and her parents for letting her find her passion and encouraging it!

  • SUE

    A young lady well beyond her 9 yrs :-) You go girl !!! Kudos to mom and dad for raising a good girl !!! Keep up the good work !

  • GarfieldRocks

    Confucius says: "Choose a job that you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life".

  • Pingy

    I want a subscription to this young lady's newspaper.

  • Jennifer

    No one minds when it's a boy playing sports, at a young age, with the hopes of becoming a national star! Hilde, if you trust your parents then so should the rest of us. Good luck, and well done!

  • Ran Dome

    Fairytales are for kids, right? Try reading some of the original publications by the Grimms. Its all dismemberment and murder and horrible situations. Maybe we just have a different idea of what kids can handle now.

  • Shannon Smith

    You go, Girl! As for the "tea party" and "doll" comments -- obviously made but sexist people who are probably didn't even understand the story! Let's stop trying to keep girls down -- this young lady is pursuing a vocation more than a lot of adults. Let her be!

  • CalvinT

    Hilde Kate Lysiak , pay no mind to the "tea party/play with dolls" crowd. They are sad, pathetic people, who have looked at you, looked around and realized how insignificant their own children are currently and will be, as adults. Tea parties are for little girls with imaginary friends and you, young lady are far, far, far, above that. Keep up the good work!

  • Bob Burnquist

    Good for her and shame on the people who try to place doubt in a young child's mind. Few kids these days have ambitions like this.