NYPD Chokehold Death Ruled a Homicide


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  • Col

    "Stop I cant breath" - says everything !

    Wether the person was selling anything illegal allegedly

    The dead man was justified in resisting the choke hold. " stop I cant breath "

    So thats murder, nothing else.

  • Char4Dew

    OVER selling cigarettes???? Cant they go find some pedophiles or booly’s or thieves to harass... Half a dozen copes over cigarettes.
    I hate Al Sharpton... he is nothing but the divider... but this time he is right on.
    What a hsame.....Poor guy I am sad for his family :(

  • Steamboat_Willy

    The cops "stop and frisk" the citizens, and the citizens "stop and record" the cops.

    But the citizens’ “stop and record” videos are shared on the internet before the cops get their lies straight.

  • Mary Anne Lawless

    Typical, blame the victim. A sickening crime. America is a racist police state.

  • Cg Fouronefive

    high school diploma, six months of training...and we're wondering why this happens?
    power, ego, and lack of education


  • Josh

    This guy was 6' 3" and 350 pounds and was fighting with the police... what do you expect is going to happen? The police will not and should not tolerate someone resisting and assaulting them. It's no doubt a shame that he died but he easily could have caused serious harm to the officers. If he didn't resist this never would have happened. Race had nothing to do with this. If you fight the police they will fight back whether you are white, black, blue, pink, or any other color. This race BS needs to stop.

  • Tim Bradwell

    wow man selling illegal cigarettes i am surprised they didn't send in nypd special ops unit . meanwhile local drug sealers are sitting back laughing . this is disgracefull these cops involved all need to go to sing sing. new york city gov and there gestapo are out of control

  • Jennifer Lucia

    Resisting arrest? He put his hands up in surrender. Then the rest of the time he looked like he was fighting for his life because he was being choked to death from the very beginning!!!

  • Mike_Hunt

    1 guy gets shot in questionable circumstances in the UK = Nationwide rioting.

    And Americans do nothing...

  • Mike_Hunt

    Accountability, not training, will change the status quo.

  • VirtuePeaceTransparency

    Hear this son's pleading word's, "Please I can't breath." hurts me and I can relate i'm a big guy too but fragile. These little militant, romanistic sons killed this man. Watch it, justify it and be part of it I can't. I was raised as a child on the streets of a top five populated American city, never seen a day of high school but my stem is pressed tightly with skill, experience and plenty of ink. I lock my damn doors because of police not any other reason. I'm terrified of them and I try to justify and accept that they are my neighbors also consequently I'm absolutely anti war and require virtuous things. This is not one!

  • VirtuePeaceTransparency

    Brutes! Hypnotized American sons turned into militant killers with a phantom hidden monarchy backing their blind ugly rage against other American sons. BS!

  • Zeejet

    I think we all need to re-evaluate how we view individuals we automatically revere such as Police officers and soldiers.

    Yes, they risk their lives for us (whether or not the decision is well-informed or well-meaning is another story), but that does not make every one of them "good" people. Just look at the rape statistics in the military (which are under-estimates because they are so frequently covered up). There are heroes on the frontline, but there are also scumbags.

  • VirtuePeaceTransparency

    My fellow Americans check this video out, hear a man's dying words,"You're choking me I can't breath." The picture shows two police but they are about to swarm this American son and choke him to death. Oh yes, we as citizens know about police work and what it's all about. Modern Rome, dressed up in polyester with killing devices, torcher devices and not much training required. That cop looks twelve but age or size doesn't matter rather virtue and experience. We all suffer just some by the hands of fellow beings. Eric.

  • ChickyGirl

    Hmmm I wonder why the ME changed his mind. At first he said there was no injury to his neck.

  • Sherise Landrey

    Good. NYPD cops are worse than Detroit cops. The choke-hold was banned years ago, and they continue to practice this deadly maneuver. I didn't know "suspicion of selling cigarettes under the table" was issued an immediate death warrant. I hope these self important, inflated, compensating, murderers....have a hideous time in prison. And I hope the family ends up filthy rich beyond their wildest imaginings for a lawsuit. Cops in NY don't need a slap on the wrist, they need a choke-hold. And a deadly one, at that

  • mike

    NYC Police Officer always get away with murder. I am sure these officers will continue working and will collect huge pension.

  • Masterguns

    I don't understand the point of this article. obviously this was a homicide. The word homicide just means that the man was killed by someone, it does not assign blame or guilt. When watching the video the first time it was obvious that the cop killed him via the choke hold...hence a homicide. All officer related deaths are homicides, by definition. Even if a cop kills someone justly, it's a homicide. Wake me when this dick cop is arrested for murder, then it'll be a story.

  • Dave DeVito

    The PBA statement is atrocious. No one assumes that police wake up expecting to hurt someone. That DOESN'T change the fact that he did and needs to be held accountable.

  • Guest

    So the man throws his hands up in compliance and they still choke him to death? I didn't see one instance of the man fighting back and end up dead?


    I believe the officer that put him in a choke hold has had this problem before, once it was dismissed and another they are waiting for the outcome. Neither of these previous charges involved a Homicide. This Officer needs to pay the consequences as any other citizen would. There is a lot more crime going on in the world then this, that you have to call in backup and get him on the ground. He needs to be wearing a jump suite.